Daily Gospel Reflections

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday | April 20, 2022

Luke 24:13-35:

Two disciples, traveling home from Jerusalem, are deeply distressed by Jesus’ death. They are suddenly joined by a “stranger” whom they do not recognize immediately. They are struck by his recounting the Scriptures and invite him to eat with them. It is in the “breaking of the bread” that their eyes are opened to him.

How blessed we are to have the freedom to encounter you in the Word and the Eucharist. I pray for those around the world who are kept from you because of ignorance and oppression.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 20, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday | April 19, 2022

John 20:11-18:

In John’s Gospel today, we hear of the beautiful encounter that Mary has with Jesus. She does not recognize him at first. It is only when he speaks her name that she knows it is the Lord. Jesus tells Mary that he must return to his Father. Mary knows what she must do and goes to tell the disciples that Jesus is risen.

When I am truly attuned to you, I hear your voice, not with my ears, but in my heart. There is no mistaking your voice and it fills me with joy.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 19, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday | April 18, 2022

Matthew 28:8-15:

The two women believe with some trepidation even before they see Jesus. The sight of him and his comforting words take away all their fear. They go to tell the disciples the news. In the meantime, the Jewish leaders concoct a story that contradicts anything the soldiers might say publicly.

We begin to reflect and pray the true story of your Resurrection and the beginnings of your Church. Thank you, God, for all those first witnesses and their witness to the truth.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 18, 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday | April 17, 2022

John 20:1-9:

Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb only to find it empty. She goes to tell Peter and John who follow her back to the tomb. Though John arrives first, he lets Peter enter before him. Both Mary and Peter do not seem to understand. It is John, the beloved disciple, who sees and believes.

All these centuries later, there is such a feeling of peace on this Easter day. I am thankful for having a glimpse of the glory and look forward to that and more in eternity.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 17, 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday | April 16, 2022

Luke 24:1-12:

We recount our faith story in the readings, our spiritual roots, and the Easter story of the first Christians. In Luke’s account, the women are the first to witness but are not believed by the other disciples except for Peter who goes to the tomb. Luke tells us Peter is amazed at what he sees or does not see.

God how blessed we are. You have been with us throughout history. You remain with us through the stories of our lives.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 16, 2022

Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday | April 15, 2022

John 18:1-19:42:

John’s Gospel details the passion and death of Jesus Christ. It begins with Judas’ betrayal and concludes with Jesus’ death and burial. It is proclaimed every year on Good Friday and followed rightly with the veneration of the cross.

The words of that beautiful hymn often sung during the veneration play in my head, “Were you there?” I was not but, on this night, I feel like I am, and I weep.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 15, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday | April 14, 2022

John 13:1-15:

The sacred Paschal Triduum begins tonight. Though it is the commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist, John’s Gospel points to the very heart of discipleship. Jesus, the master, the teacher, in humble service washes his disciple’s feet and instructs them to do the same for one another.

I am thankful for receiving what you have handed on to me through your disciples. I pray this day to be ever mindful of living in humble service.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 14, 2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday | April 13, 2022

Matthew 26:14-25:

The plan is in place as Judas watches and waits for the right moment. The disciples are distressed by Jesus’ statement about betrayal. Perhaps Judas thinks he feigns innocence well but Jesus, very much in charge of the situation, knows exactly who his betrayer is.

Betrayal seemed to come so easily to Judas and yet in the end he was filled with despair. I pray for all those tempted to choose that path. May they be open to your healing love and mercy.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 13, 2022

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday | April 12, 2022

John 13:21-33, 36-38:

Jesus acknowledges Judas’s guilt. Judas leaves and thus sets the night into motion. Jesus tells the remaining apostles that he will soon leave, and they cannot go with him. Peter wants to know where Jesus is going and in the same breath passionately professes his love and fidelity. Jesus tells Peter that by early morning he too will betray him by denying that he knows Jesus, not once, but three times.

Judas and Peter gave in to their weakness. There are times when I have done the same. Thank you for not only giving me the grace to turn back to you but for welcoming me with open arms.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 12, 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday | April 11, 2022

John 12:1-11:

Jesus is with his friends. Martha serves the meal and Mary anoints Jesus’ feet. Lazarus’s presence is proof of Jesus’ living word. It is Judas who calls attention to himself by criticizing Mary’s use of the oil. His reasoning makes little sense because he cares nothing for the poor. Friendship, fidelity, hypocrisy, and betrayal are all part of the movement toward Jesus’ passion and death.

We continue to pray for the elect, the candidates and all who journey together through this, the holiest week of the year.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 11, 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.