Daily Gospel Reflections

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday | April 30, 2022

John 6:16-21:

The miracle of the loaves is followed by the miracle in today’s Gospel leading to the Bread of Life Discourse. It is night, the wind picks up causing rough waters. Jesus is suddenly there walking toward the boat, which startles the disciples. His words console them, and they know he is with them.

We believe that Jesus is always with us, especially during the storms of our lives.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 30, 2022

Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday | April 29, 2022

John 6:1-15:

Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel includes the Bread of Life Discourse. It is an important part of the Easter season. We believe Jesus is the bread of our lives. The multiplication of the loaves is the only miracle in all four Gospels emphasizing the foundation of our faith, the Eucharist.

Listen attentively and prayerfully reflect on the words of the Eucharistic Prayer spoken by the presider. They are your words, Lord Jesus, telling us again and again that you are present.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 29, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday | April 28, 2022

John 3:31-36:

Jesus speaks of the sharp distinction between one who comes from above and one from the earth below. Jesus is from above, from God and sent to reveal God’s word. There are those who believe him and those who do not.

Let us pray for those who do not believe. May our actions, reflections of our belief, open their minds and hearts.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 28, 2022

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday | April 27, 2022

John 3:16-21:

John concludes Jesus’ discourse with the heart of his message about the Father. God is love and that love is the dynamic that will bring about salvation. The absolute truth is that God loves creation so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to save humankind from itself.

I pray to be a visible sign of God’s love for everyone but especially for those whose hearts are hardened.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 27, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday | April 26, 2022

John 3:7-15:

Nicodemus, a Jewish leader and teacher is attracted to Jesus. Though drawn to Jesus, their conversation reveals Nicodemus’ limited understanding and faith. Jesus asks how it is possible that a Pharisee, a teacher of the Jewish people, does not understand.

Pray for a respectful relationship with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Though we hope for unity may we commit to working together serving our God.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 26, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday | April 25, 2022

Mark 16:15-20:

Jesus’ final words to his disciples before he returns to his Father are so important then and now. “Whole world” and “every creature” tell the enormous scope of their mission. Jesus is not sending them forth to any group in any region. He sends them out to spread the Good News of God’s love and salvation to everyone, everywhere and for all time.

I struggle with what you ask with those I am closest to. Give me the courage and wisdom to do what you have called and sent me to do no matter how uncomfortable I might feel.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 25, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday | April 24, 2022

John 20:19-31:

The appearance of Jesus to the disciples in John’s Gospel has parallels to the other Gospels but with John two things stand out. In verses 21 and 22, Jesus breathes the Spirit on this community and sends them out in the same way he is sent by the Father. His mission is now their mission with all that it entails. John gives Thomas a very important role in these events. He is stubborn in his need for substantial proof. But when Jesus provides him that proof, he professes his faith with his whole heart.

It is not always easy to believe what cannot be seen. It is harder still to profess belief in the unseen. Though I cannot see you with my eyes, I see you in my heart and soul and that gives me the courage to say, like Thomas, “My Lord and My God!”

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 24, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday | April 23, 2022

Mark 16:9-15:

Mark weaves Jesus’ three appearances to his disciples into one. Mary and the two disciples know him and run to tell the others, but they do not believe. Jesus appears to the disciples directly and admonishes them for their unbelief. Once said, he commissions them to go out and proclaim the Good News.

I see a very human response, fear and silence. Perhaps I see my response. Yet, I must believe you. Your Spirit would have brought me up and out of myself to courageously speak the truth. Isn’t that what you do for me today?

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 23, 2022

Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday | April 22, 2022

John 21:1-14:

The disciple’s nighttime fishing trip is unsuccessful. In the early morning light, they see someone on the shore who calls to them to go back and try again. They do as he says with great success. The beloved disciple recognizes Jesus. Once on shore he asks them to bring the fish to him. He prepares their meal and shares it with them.

Night and day, dark and light take on a whole new meaning. It is your light that leads us out of darkness.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 22, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday | April 21, 2022

Luke 24:35-48:

Following Jesus’ appearance to the two men on the road to Emmaus, he appears to the disciples in Jerusalem. They see Jesus, touch his wounds, and witness him eating the food he has requested. Jesus, fully human and divine, is not only spiritually present, but he is also physically present.

Your love for your disciples brings so much joy and hope. You do not chastise but offer peace. This causes me to want to be all that you created me to be.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: April 21, 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.