Daily Gospel Reflections

Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday | May 20, 2022

John 15:9-11:

Jesus tells his disciples that the model of love is to sacrifice one’s life for friends. Those with him do not yet understand the limitless love he has for them, nor do they understand what is expected of them in the work ahead.

I am not sure I alone have the courage to sacrifice myself, my life for others as you did by your suffering and death. But I do know that I can strive to give myself, my time, my talent to others in small ways.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 20, 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday | May 19, 2022

John 15:9-11:

Those who believe are drawn into the mutual love of Father and Son through Jesus’ love. This love is not without trial and suffering but through that suffering come great joy. Pope Francis likens Christian joy to the joy of a mother embracing her child for the first time after laboring the child to birth.

Remembering those times when suffering turns to joy is important. That memory provides hope when it seems hopeless.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 19, 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wednesday | May 18, 2022

John 15:1-8:

Today’s Gospel is a beautiful and meaningful expression of relationship that the believer must take to heart. The commandment of love is rooted in the love of the Father and the Son and the love of Jesus and the disciples. It is a love both mutual and reciprocal. For John the love Christians have for one another reflects divine love.

We will be judged on how well we have loved. Help me Lord to love you, myself, and others with my whole heart.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 18, 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tuesday | May 17, 2022

John 14:27-31:

Jesus’ discourses in John’s Gospel end on a hopeful note. Though his disciples remain troubled about what is ahead, Jesus consoles them by offering them peace, the peace that comes through his love of the Father poured out to them. All that he has told them and what he tells them now will help them understand his mission and theirs. It is time to end this discussion and go.

How many times in my life, on my journey of faith, have I hesitated to go? Each time I know it was you who gently nudged me and did not let me walk alone.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 17, 2022

Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday | May 16, 2022

John 14:21-26:

Judas’ question provokes a response from Jesus reiterating the relational aspect of the commandments. He and the Father will only be revealed to those who are open to a loving relationship with him, thus with the Father.

I learn from you, Father, Son and Spirit, what it is to love. By your grace, may I love as you love, selflessly and unconditionally.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 16, 2022

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday | May 15, 2022

John 13:31-33, 34-35:

Judas leaves and the events of Jesus’ passion are set in motion. Jesus speaks directly now to his disciples. Love must be at the heart of their mission. He loves them and they must model that love with one another.

You left for us the greatest commandment. You are love and living our lives in your name must be a reflection of your love for us.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 15, 2022

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Saturday | May 14, 2022

John 15:9-17:

Jesus tells his disciples that the model of love is to sacrifice one’s life for friends. As has been made clear, those with him do not yet understand the limitless love he has for them, nor do they understand what is expected of them in the time ahead.

Remembering those times when suffering turns to joy is important. That memory provides hope when it seems hopeless. St. Matthias, pray for us.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 14, 2022

Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday | May 13, 2022

John 14:1-6:

The disciples are troubled because of Jesus’ impending departure. He tells them they must have faith. He is not abandoning them. Where he is going, he will prepare a place for them. Their faith will find the way to him.

Today’s Gospel is often proclaimed at funerals. It offers comfort to those who grieve for their departed loved ones. It offers hope for all. Jesus is the way to life everlasting.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 13 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday | May 12, 2022

John 13:16-20:

Today’s Gospel returns to the evening of the Passover. Jesus emphasizes two points. One is that in the same way he humbled himself by washing the feet of his disciples, so they must do for others. And, by receiving him, they receive the Father for he and the Father are one. Jesus tells his disciples this knowing God’s plan is about to unfold.

You washed feet like a servant, and you died like a criminal. Though it seems your humility left you powerless, in fact, it made you powerful.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 12 2022

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wednesday | May 11, 2022

John 12:44-50:

Following John’s explanation of the history of the Jewish people’s unbelief, Jesus summarizes the heart of his teaching. All that Jesus says and does sheds light upon the truth and points the way to the Father. Jesus has come from the Father to the world, to save the world.

Let us pray today for all the nations of the world, that they turn from anger and apathy to kindness, and turn from war to peace.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: May 11 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.