1st Agroecology Conference

Presentations At Zambia’s 1st Agroecology Conference, Themed “Agroecology For Inclusiveness, Social, Economic And Environmental Sustenance” Held On 21 To 22 May 2024

Presentations at Zambia’s 1st Agroecology Conference, themed “Agroecology for Inclusiveness, Social, Economic and Environmental Sustenance” held on 21 to 22 May 2024 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia.

1. Download the entire UPDATE ON THE NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLANNING PROCESS (ZAMBIA) - May 2024, Presentation at Zambia’s 1st Agroecology Conference here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/key_papers/NAP-Upddate-2024-MGEE.pdf

2. Download the entire Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture - Presentation by Zuba Mwanza, FAO Zambia here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/key_papers/FAO-Presentation-Agroecology.pdf

3. Download the entire Understanding the Agroecology Strategy for Zambia - Presentation by Joseph Cheelo, Principal Agricultural Specialist, Land Management and Conservation Farming here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/key_papers/Understanding-the-Agro-Ecological-Strategy-for-Zambia.pdf

4. Download the entire AGROECOLOGY: A SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY FOR RESILIENT FOOD SYSTEMS - Presentation by Judith N. Lungu here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/key_papers/Agroecology-a-Sustainable-Strategy-for-Food-Resilience.pdf

Infographics On Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference - 2024

Download the entire Infographics On Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference - 2024 here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/general/Infographics-On-Zambia-1st-Agroecology-Conference-2024.pdf

Concept Note On Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference - 2024

Background to the 1st Zambia's Agroecology Conference - 2024

In Zambia the agriculture sector is an integral part of national development and it plays a critical role in people’s livelihoods in terms of food and nutrition security, income and provision of employment. The agriculture sector has evolved since time in memorial from mare natural farming to its complex state where it has become highly mechanised. The current food production system has had a number of positive effects such as sustaining high production levels for certain crops especially maize and other cash crops. However, it has had its fair share of negative impacts such as reduction is soil productive potential where initially farmers were able to realise almost 8 tons per hector, they are now harvesting less that 0.3tons per hector, loss of biodiversity, emission of GHGs and general degradation of the soil. This is mainly due to the over reliance on external non bio-ddegradable input such as synthetic fertilisers suppling nitrogen, Potassium and urea. Also there has been a drive to use herbicides and pesticides chemicals that have had an effect on soil biophysical properties. The sector has also emphasized the production of fewer crops thereby reducing diversity that is in turn affecting the nutrition security of the people, especially the lactating women and children.

Download the entire Concept Note On Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference - 2024 here: https://caritaszambia.org/phocadownload/key_papers/Concept-Note-On-The-Agroecology-Conference-2024.pdf

Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference

Zambia's 1st Agroecology Conference

Date: 21st - 22nd May, 2024

Venue: Mulungushi International Conference Centre

Contact: +260 976 124 503

Website: http://www.pelumzambia.org

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.