Daily Gospel Reflections

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday | July 30, 2021

Matthew 13:54-58:

After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus returns home and teaches in the synagogue. Admiration of Jesus turns to disbelief. Because of his lineage and lack of credentials the sceptics are not willing to accept the authenticity and authority of Jesus. Because of their lack of faith, he can do nothing more.

Jesus, master teacher, I pray to be docile, open to learning your will, the will of your Father.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 30, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday | July 29, 2021

In February of 2021, this day was named by Pope Francis to be the memorial of all three friends of Jesus. There are optional readings both involving the family’s encounter with Jesus, their friend. In Luke 10:38-42, Martha and Mary, the sisters welcome Jesus into their home, each attending to him in her own way.

In John 11:19-27, The Raising of Lazarus, Mary chastises Jesus because of her grief over the loss of her brother but his response brings her to a profession of faith in him.

I do believe that you are the Son of the Living God. Unfortunately, I am often too busy to choose “the better part.” Help me balance the “doing” and the “being” in my life.


SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 29, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wednesday | July 28, 2021

Matthew 13: 44-46:

The parables of the treasure and the pearl emphasize the zeal with which one should pursue God’s kingdom. Not only do they express the value of the kingdom thus the commitment deserved, they also express the joy the kingdom brings.

Why would I want anything but to live in your love for all eternity? Be with me when the tests and trials of life distract me from my pursuit of living with you forever.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 28, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday | July 27, 2021

Matthew 13:36-43:

Jesus offers equivalencies in this agricultural comparison to the final judgment that help the disciples to understand the meaning. In the end good will overcome evil and those who have chosen to go good “will shine.”

Though I too listen, I do not always understand that those messages at the heart of the stories told long ago are as relevant to me today as they were to the disciples. I pray to hear, to understand and to act.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 27, 2021

Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday | July 26, 2021

Matthew 13:31-35:

There are great possibilities with even the smallest beginnings. And so it is with God’s kingdom. Jesus again uses that which is most familiar to the people, the mustard seed and yeast, to help them see and understand the power of God.

Sometimes, it is hard to believe without being able to see. Then I remember that is the definition of faith. I pray for an increase of faith and the belief that your kingdom is “already but not yet.”

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 26, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday | July 25, 2021

John 6:1-15:

Jesus is prepared to feed the crowd gathered but asks his disciples for their thoughts. Neither Philip nor Andrew understand the possibility and respond somewhat negatively. Jesus accepts the meager amount of food from the little boy. Ceremoniously Jesus takes, blesses, breaks and shares. There is enough for all.

And with the help of this little child, Jesus, the bread of life, takes care of his hungry people.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 25, 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Saturday | July 24, 2021

Matthew 13:24-30:

It seems natural to want to pull the weeds lest they infect the wheat. Jesus tells the disciples that they must remember that God alone knows what is in people’s hearts. At any point those who choose evil could turn to him. God, the harvester and sifter, is the final judge.

All too often, I stand in judgment of those human “weeds.” I want them gone but then remember just as I am yours, they are yours.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 24, 2021

Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday | July 23, 2021

Matthew 13:18-23:

Jesus’ explanation of the parable invites the disciples to a deeper level of understanding. He states the obvious but then explains why the seed does or does not grow. The seed of the word of the God will not take root in those who are ignorant, superficial, or conflicted within.

I want so much to be instrumental in helping others, especially parents, to be open to your presence within them and to listen to your word.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 23, 2021

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday | July 22, 2021

John 20:1-2, 11-18:

Mary’s grief is compounded by her discovery. She remains at the tomb after having alerted Peter and John. Mary’s exchange with the angels inside the tomb is followed by her encounter with Jesus. At first, she does not recognize him but he calls her by name and she knows. Mary, the apostle to the apostles returns to share the good news with the disciples.

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Mary to realize that it was you. I am aware of your presence often and in so many different ways but I look forward to the day when I see you face to face.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 22, 2021

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wednesday | July 21, 2021

Matthew 13:1-9:

Jesus tells the crowd the parable of the sower comparing and contrasting seed wasted with seed that bares rich fruit. Jesus’ mission is to spread the love and mercy of the Father. Some people ignore him, others reject him. Those who hear his word and act on it will live in the love of God.

I pray for a heartfelt desire to read and reflect on your Word every day. I pray for the wisdom and courage to act on it.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: July 21, 2021

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.