Tuesday | July 19, 2022
Matthew 12:46-50:
The society in that time placed a very high value on natural kinship. Jesus broadens the people’s understanding of family. He expands the definition of family unit from blood relations to all who do God’s will.
How blest are we to be part of your family. May we strive to invite and include others to be a part.
Monday | July 18, 2022
Matthew 12:38-42:
The scribes and Pharisees have witnessed Jesus’ great miracles and yet they are still not satisfied. They don’t ask, they demand that he give them a sign, proof of his identity. Jesus knows there is nothing he can do that will convince them because their hearts are not open. He tells there will be no sign given.
I look for signs all the time. You surprise me by placing them in the ordinary. Thank you, for blessing me with being able to recognize them.
Sunday | July 17, 2022
Luke 10:38-42:
The story of Jesus in the home of his friends teaches the importance of a proper balance between “doing” and “being.” Martha and Mary each offer Jesus hospitality in her own way. Martha attends to the work of preparing the meal for him, while Mary attends to him directly by sitting with him. Both ways are good but listening to the teacher is requisite to living in service to others.
I am often too busy to choose “the better part.” Even during my quiet time with you I am making lists for the day. Help me balance the “doing” and the “being” in my life.
Saturday | July 16, 2022
Matthew 12:14-21:
Jesus, aware of the increasing opposition, moves on. He is followed by many and continues healing them. Jesus cites the first Servant Song from Isaiah. The words make clear that that he is the fulfillment. Jesus is humble and gentle, a servant leader.
In your name O Lord, we find hope for ourselves, for the world and for all that you have promised.
Friday | July 15, 2022
Matthew 12:1-8:
The disciple’s picking grain is misinterpreted. The Pharisees consider this equivalent to reaping and condemn the action. Jesus challenges the Pharisees by comparing the disciple’s action to that of David and his followers. In both cases they broke the commandment because of hunger which is permissible.
You are the master teacher. You teach us not only through words but by example. May I have the grace to do the same.
Thursday | July 14, 2022
Matthew 11:28-30:
Jesus knows the people are burdened by the law that has been misinterpreted by the Jewish religious leaders. Jesus is the authoritative interpreter of God’s law. God’s wisdom can be found in him. He is offering the people rest and renewal if they come to him.
The phrase “gentle mastery” is a welcome invitation to rest in you, Jesus. St. Kateri, pray for us.
Wednesday | July 13, 2022
Matthew 11:25-27:
Jesus praises God for revealing himself to those most receptive people. They are open to God because of their simplicity, while those considered experts do not understand and therefore are closed to any revelation. Jesus speaks of the perfect relationship he and his Father have with one another. Because of their relationship, Jesus knows the Father perfectly and is best at passing that knowledge on to others.
I am thankful for being loved enough to be invited into the relationship between the Father and Son by the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday | July 12, 2022
Matthew 11:20-24:
Jesus is warning those Galilean cities. Though the inhabitants witnessed Jesus’ deeds, they have not repented. Jesus compares them to ancient pagan cities and leaders who were ultimately punished for their refusal to respond to God with them.
Some things never change. People are led astray. Leaders are revered for all the wrong reasons. We must pray that all people hear the voice of God and respond.
Monday | July 11, 2022
Matthew 10:34—11:1:
Jesus’ commands to his disciples in today’s Gospel are harsh. Committed discipleship brings conflict and division. Family ties were priority for the Jewish people. Family first! Jesus is saying that the choice of loyalty to God or family is inevitable. As difficult as the rupture of those bonds might be, choosing to follow him will be rewarded.
It takes a lifetime with all the challenges along the way to truly understand what it means to be righteous. I pray to always be a moral and virtuous person.
Sunday | July 10, 2022
Luke 10:25-37:
Jesus answers the questions posed by the expert in Mosaic Law first with the Greatest Commandment and then with one of the most challenging story parables illustrating the fulfillment of the commandment. In the story, the Samaritan’s actions show that he understood the law better than the priest and Levite.
We have so limited our understanding of who our neighbor is in today’s world. The parable of the good Samaritan is timeless and timely offering God’s definition of neighbor.