Wednesday | May 15, 2024
Acts 20:28
Keep watch over yourselves and over the whole flock…
St. Isidore
Little Flocks
Paul is saying a very difficult goodbye in today’s first reading. Those of us who are experienced parents can likely relate. For decades, my wife and I kept watch over our own little flock. But they are grown and gone now. Especially when they were little, we did whatever was needed so that our children were safe and well. Even when the difficulties seemed insurmountable, the joy far outweighed the sleep deprivation and the worries.
Today, our son and daughter-in-law are making us proud as they endure some of the same sacrifices for the sake of their flock. Our eldest daughter and her husband are doing the same. One day, the seemingly endless nights, the countless hours attending youth sporting events and the myriad other activities will come to an end for them too. God willing, each of their children will move into a healthy adulthood. The best that we can do is offer them our blessings and commend them to God.
- Terence Hegarty
Acts 20:28-38 • Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36 • John 17:11b-19