Monday | May 27, 2024
Mark 10:27
All things are possible for God.
St. Augustine of Canterbury
Up an Impossible Hill
I remember once standing at the bottom of a steep hike thinking: This is impossible. It’s too high. I’m not in good enough shape. There are too many twists and turns and obstacles. It’ll take forever. But up I went, step-by-step, until I reached the top and was rewarded with a phenomenal view.
The path to God is filled with just such obstacles and doubts. For the young man who came to ask Jesus how he might be saved, the obstacle was money. It could be the same for us, or it could be power, influence or personal freedom—whatever we put before God. We are rich in so many ways, so how can we be saved? The answer is not impossible.
The answer is walking our lives step-by-step in faith, reaching out toward God who waits with outstretched arms to show us a view beyond imagination.
Lord, show me the way past the impossible to the possible.
- Steve Givens
1 Peter 1:3-9 • Psalm 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10 • Mark 10:17-27