Press Releases

JOB OFFER - Child Protection Officer/Intern

Background & Justification

Caritas Zambia is looking for dynamic person to work on its Child Protection Project. This project will cover Western, Central and Southern Provinces targeting 2 districts in each of the three provinces. Caritas Zambia has diocesan partners operating in these areas; that is, Monze, Kabwe and Mongu dioceses. In terms of Districts, the project will target Sinazongwe and Siavonga in Monze diocese; Kalabo and Nkeyema in Mongu diocese and Ngabo and Mukushi in Kabwe diocese. At the district level Justice and Peace teams will be empowered in knowledge and skills of child protection and will work with CSOs in each target area dealing with child rights as well as government departments and Ministries such as health, education, community development, Judiciary, the Police and the Correctional Centers. At the National Level, Caritas Zambia will link with policy makers, CSOs involve in child protection and UN agencies to advocate and influence legislation and policy changes for the protection of children. This will be through symposiums and dialogue meetings to share lessons learnt in the process

Find the complete Job opportunity here:

CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament

CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament

CARITAS Zambia has made two presentations on the analysis of the 2nd national agriculture policy and gaps and recommendations on the E-Voucher system in the Zambian parliament.

The documents were presented to the parliamentary committee on agriculture.

Find the two presentations made here linked below:

1. Analysis of the 2nd National Agriculture Policy - March 2017

2. Gaps and Recommendations on the E-Voucher System - March 2017


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament


CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament
CARITAS presents analysis of 2nd national agriculture policy, GAPS & recommendations on E-Voucher system in parliament

Caritas Zambia condemns the recent attacks on the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ)

Caritas Zambia has been following with dismay the recent attacks directed at the LAZ and its President in her personal capacity.

That is why we totally agree with the SADC Lawyers Association that said, "The March and siege of the Bar Association's offices in broad daylight is the height of assault on the Rule of Law and independence of the legal profession in Zambia." Indeed, what transpired on the material day goes to show how low we have sunk as a country on such matters, and this worrying assault on what is remaining of our democratic tenets in Zambia needs to be halted and reversed henceforth.

Call for immediate rapid assessment into the impact of heavy rains

PRESS RELEASE: Call for immediate rapid assessment into the impact of heavy rains

By Zambia Humanitarian Actors Platform (ZHAP) 22 February, 2017, 12:30hrs

Lusaka, Zambia – The Zambia Humanitarian Actors Platform (ZHAP), a loose alliance of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the humanitarian sector, has noted with concern the impact of heavy rains that the country is receiving particularly with regard to flash flooding in the urban areas. While the rains come as a blessing after consecutive poor rain seasons, the poor state of drainage infrastructure in our cities and towns is causing losses to home owners and small businesses especially in peri-urban areas.

CCMG Verification Statement on the Accuracy of the Results of the 2016 Presidential Election

CCMG Verification Statement on the Accuracy of the Results of the 2016 Presidential Election

The Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG) is an alliance of four faith based organisations formed to help promote credible elections through non-partisan citizen monitoring. The CCMG partner organisations are: Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ); Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ); Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections (JCTR); and Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), formerly the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC), through Caritas Zambia. CCMG was founded ahead of the 20th January 2015 presidential by-election. CCMG is strictly non-partisan. We support no political party or candidate.

CCMG 2016 Election Report Launch 27 January 2017

CCMG 2016 Election Report Launch 27 January 2017

Welcoming Remarks

I would like to welcome members of the Diplomatic community, Political parties, representatives of Civil Society, members of the press, ladies and gentlemen. Today we will focus our remarks on presenting CCMG’s 2016 Election Report, which details the findings of CCMG’s non-partisan election observation effort. We will have time for questions and all of CCMG’s reports and statements, including this statement, are available on our website and on the table.

The ZCCB Child Protection Policy

The ZCCB Child Protection Policy


It is not a mere coincidence but a master stroke of Divine Providence and a singular outpouring of God's grace and blessings on our nation that the Policy of Catholic Bishops‟ Conference on the Protection of Children and Minors is launched during a special Jubilee Year. During this Jubilee Year we are celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Catholic Church in Zambia.

The 8th Alternative Mining Indaba Concept Note

8th Alternative Mining Indaba Concept Note 6th to the 8th of February 2017, Double Tree by Hilton, Upper Eastside Hotel, Cape Town


The Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI) is an international platform that was formed in 2010 by civil society in their efforts to provide an alternative voice emanating from the investing in Africa Mining Indaba that has been hosted for over 20 years. The platform goes beyond profits, mergers and acquisitions with a focus on community development strategies, calling for good governance of revenues and in particular seeks to define and find ways to implement ethical policies in the extractive sector value-chain, thus creating conditions for a positive economic and social outcome, while avoiding any negative environmental and social effects.

Caritas Zambia AGM Press Release on the State of the Nation


We, representatives of Caritas and Social Ministries of the Catholic Church in Zambia, drawn from the dioceses of Chipata, Livingstone, Mansa, Mongu, Monze, Mpika, Ndola, Solwezi, the Archdioceses of Lusaka and Kasama together with the Caritas Zambia National Office gathered at the Kasisi Retreat Centre in Lusaka for our Annual General Meeting from 3rd to 5th November 2015, reflected on God’s grace on the work of Caritas in Zambia since our last Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the same place in 2014. We have everything to thank the almighty God for. Caritas teams all over the country reported great commitment to promoting dignified lives among the people they serve. We are humbled as Caritas community to be instruments of God at the service of Charity towards his people especially the poor and weak. We shared through our various reports the witnessing of Charity among all our national and diocesan Caritas structures and we will not tire to thank God for his greatness.

In Caritas Human Development interventions, there is greater emphasis put on developing the capacity of our people to sustainably manage their livelihoods and live dignified lives as designed by our Creator. We however also noted with sadness that the efforts of ordinary people in Zambia today to earn themselves dignified livelihoods is seriously hampered and constrained by contextual situations obtaining in our country which need to be urgently resolved by the country’s leadership and policy makers.

Find the entire breifing here:

CCMG Statement at the Dissemination of Phase one Voter Registration Monitoring Exercise

Statement by the Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG) at the dissemination of Phase one voter Registration Monitoring Exercise

The entire statement can be found here:

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.